We inform you that on June 29, 2017 it was published in the Official Journal “El Peruano” , Legal Rules Section (pages 8-10), the Supreme Decree 071-2017-PCM which implements the electronic publication for trademark applications and other elements of Industrial Property (Patents of Invention, Utility Models and Industrial Designs) in the Gazette of the Trademark Office (INDECOPI), which came into force on June 30, 2017.

Article 5 states that the publication in the Electronic Gazette of INDECOPI is made on a daily basis and is available, in a permanent way and free through the institutional web portal of INDECOPI.

This new procedure decreases the cost of the process of registration engendered by the publication and allows the users to obtain their registrations in a fast and efficient way. Likewise, it facilitates the access to the information regarding the administrative proceedings of registration.

SOURCE: Diario Oficial ”El Peruano” de fecha jueves 29 de junio de 2017, Sección NORMAS LEGALES, Página desde 8 a 10.
